Risk Factors for Sciatica

Sciatica is a painful condition caused by pressure placed on the sciatic nerve. It can result from the narrowing of the spinal canal, herniation or bulging of the discs, or trauma. At Colonia Spine & Wellness Center in Colonia, our chiropractors provide natural and effective sciatica treatment.

1. Obesity

Studies have consistently found that being overweight or obese is a risk factor for sciatic pain. The extra weight puts additional pressure on the spine, increasing the likelihood of pain.

2. Age

Sciatica is most common in adults between the ages of 30 and 50. On the younger side, it is most commonly caused by a herniated disc. On the older end, it is most commonly caused by arthritis and bone spurs.

3. Gender

Sciatica is one condition that seems to be equally spread between men and women. One thing that studies have found, however, is that women are slower to recover and more likely to still be in pain at the one-year point.

4. Stress

Stress and anxiety have no positive benefits when it comes to your body, and since these conditions involve nerves, they can affect your sciatic nerves as well. Stress and tension can also cause muscles to tense up, and this may also increase the pain in your back and leg.

5. Sitting too much

People whose occupation requires them to sit for long periods put their lower back at great risk of sciatic pain. This is not just office workers; drivers also spend a lot of time sitting. It is important to get up and walk around or stretch as often as possible.

6. Smoking

Smoking is not a primary factor when it comes to the risk of sciatic nerve pain, but because it inhibits blood circulation, it can be a contributing factor. Quitting smoking can reduce the risk, but it won't be completely eliminated.

Contact Our Chiropractors in Colonia, NJ

If you are experiencing sciatic pain, you can count on our team at Colonia Spine & Wellness Center to provide effective sciatica treatment. To make an appointment, give our office a call at 732-827-0028.

Sciatica is a painful condition caused by pressure placed on the sciatic nerve. It can result from the narrowing of the spinal canal, herniation or bulging of the discs, or trauma. At Colonia Spine & Wellness Center in Colonia, our chiropractors provide natural and effective sciatica treatment.

1. Obesity

Studies have consistently found that being overweight or obese is a risk factor for sciatic pain. The extra weight puts additional pressure on the spine, increasing the likelihood of pain.

2. Age

Sciatica is most common in adults between the ages of 30 and 50. On the younger side, it is most commonly caused by a herniated disc. On the older end, it is most commonly caused by arthritis and bone spurs.

3. Gender

Sciatica is one condition that seems to be equally spread between men and women. One thing that studies have found, however, is that women are slower to recover and more likely to still be in pain at the one-year point.

4. Stress

Stress and anxiety have no positive benefits when it comes to your body, and since these conditions involve nerves, they can affect your sciatic nerves as well. Stress and tension can also cause muscles to tense up, and this may also increase the pain in your back and leg.

5. Sitting too much

People whose occupation requires them to sit for long periods put their lower back at great risk of sciatic pain. This is not just office workers; drivers also spend a lot of time sitting. It is important to get up and walk around or stretch as often as possible.

6. Smoking

Smoking is not a primary factor when it comes to the risk of sciatic nerve pain, but because it inhibits blood circulation, it can be a contributing factor. Quitting smoking can reduce the risk, but it won't be completely eliminated.

Contact Our Chiropractors in Colonia, NJ

If you are experiencing sciatic pain, you can count on our team at Colonia Spine & Wellness Center to provide effective sciatica treatment. To make an appointment, give our office a call at 732-827-0028.
