
Viewing 1 - 10 out of 10 posts

Conditions that Physical Therapy Treats

From back and neck pain to sports injuries, physical therapists treat a vast range of musculoskeletal conditions. At Colonia Spine & Wellness, our team offers holistic care to help patients Read More

Difference Between Herniated and Bulging Discs

While bulging and herniated discs can cause back pain, the two conditions vary in causes and necessary treatments. Understanding the differences between bulging discs and herniated discs is vital for Read More

Top 5 Most Common Symptoms of Sciatica

Have you ever woken up to find your back aching and wondered if it's just a simple strain or something more serious? Identifying the signs can be crucial. Sciatica is Read More

Risk Factors for Sciatica

Sciatica is a painful condition caused by pressure placed on the sciatic nerve. It can result from the narrowing of the spinal canal, herniation or bulging of the discs, or Read More

The Benefits of Working with a Chiropractor and Physical Therapist

If you have never worked with a chiropractor, you might not be sure how we provide care for our patients. There are many benefits to working with a chiropractor, some Read More

The Benefits of Working With a Chiropractor and Physical Therapist for Pain Relief

Did you know that a chiropractor can provide physical therapy that helps with pain management? Our team at Colonia Spine & Wellness treats a wide variety of conditions to provide Read More

Chiropractic Care for Pain Management

Chiropractic Care Provides the Best Pain Management Millions of people struggle with chronic pain every day. These pains may be the result of an auto accident, slip and fall, disease, personal Read More

How Chiropractors Can Help Treat Allergies

How Chiropractors Can Help Treat Allergies If you have allergies, it's important to understand how they affect you and what you can do to treat them. The good news is, our Read More

Yard Work & Gardening: Alleviate Muscle Pain this Spring

5 Helpful Ways We Relieve Your Summertime Muscle Pain Summer is here, and our bodies are engaged in activities that they wouldn't otherwise be engaged in had it not been for Read More

Staying Safe During Winter Activities

Tips to Stay Safe During Winter Activities Winter has arrived in Colonia, which means there are a lot of health hazards, so it’s important to take the necessary precautions for your Read More

Viewing 1 - 10 out of 10 posts
