Personal Injuries

Staying healthy and active can be challenging even under the best of circumstances. If you have received a personal injury, it can be even harder to stay on top of your health. At Colonia Spine & Wellness in Colonia, we work with our patients that are dealing with a variety of painful challenges. Through our innovative therapies and state of the art technology, we can help you as well.


Pain Management Issues

Dealing with chronic or ongoing pain can take away from your quality of life and your productivity. Pain issues can be a result of a personal injury or a chronic condition. Some of the causes of ongoing pain issues include:

  • Personal injuries
  • Sport injuries
  • Joint pain
  • Back pain
  • Degenerative diseases
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Inflammation
  • Others

One of the biggest challenges of dealing with these types of issues is getting to the root cause. Unfortunately, most mainstream medicine seeks only to deal with the symptom, which is pain. Pain killers are often prescribed for individuals who have unexplained pain issues, personal injuries, or sports injuries. The problem with this approach is that the true root of the pain is never addressed. Another problem with this approach is the fact that many pain killers have harsh side effects and addictive properties. Chiropractic care offers a more natural approach to pain management.

How A Chiropractor Can Help

Chiropractors are very helpful in treating chronic pain issues. When you visit one of our chiropractors you will be evaluated for your overall health and well-being. Chiropractic care treats the entire person holistically. This means that one specific symptom will not be looked at, but rather the entire body as a whole. Every part of the body affects the other parts of the body.

Once you have been thoroughly evaluated, a personalized treatment plan will be developed for you. In many cases, these treatment plans will start with spinal adjustments. Many issues in the body are a result of a misalignment of the spine. Chiropractic care often starts here. From there, our chiropractor will determine if other treatment modalities will be helpful for your pain and recovery.

Get Quality Chiropractic Care in Colonia, NJ

If you would like to learn more about our services, call our team at Colonia Spine & Wellness today at (732) 827-0028 to schedule an appointment with one of our chiropractors. 
